Resources and publications

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Showing 361 - 380 of 388 Search Results

North Central Goldfields Project: Historic mining sites in the Maldon Mining Division
Date published: 1993
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
Historic Mining Division survey project report
North Central Goldfields Project: Historic gold mining sites in the Rushworth-Waranga North Mining Divisions
Date published: 1993
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
Historic Mining Division survey project report
North Central Goldfields Project: Historic gold mining sites in the Taradale Mining Divisions
Date published: 1993
Assistance type: Access research and databases
Subject: Archaeology
Historic Mining Division survey project report
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Metal objects
Assistance type: Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Wooden objects
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Historic England technical guidance
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Historic England publishes technical guidance on topics including 'looking after historic buildings, 'looking after parks, gardens and landscapes', 'flooding and historic buildings', 'looking after war memorials', 'archaeological science' and 'recording heritage'.
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia - General Principles
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Subject: Places and objects; World heritage
Guidelines for preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Paper and books
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Honour rolls (wooden)
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Medals and medallions
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
War Memorials General
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Victorian Government asset management toolkit: Conducting a heritage audit
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Guidance for government asset managers on how to conduct a heritage audit.
Industrial heritage adaptive reuse case studies
Assistance type: Access research and databases
The Heritage Council of Victoria has developed 12 case studies and an issues paper on the opportunities in industrial heritage
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia: Antique and heritage munitions
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Munitions or ordnance includes firearms (guns, pistols, revolvers, shotguns etc), artillery and projectiles (shell-firing guns, howitzers, mortars, rockets) and ammunition (bullets, bombs, missiles, grenades, warheads, mines).
Outdoor heritage (tanks, cannon)
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
Change of owner s 60 notification
Complete this form and send it to Heritage Victoria when you buy a state heritage listed property.
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings technical guidance
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) is an English-based organisation which offers free and independent advice about caring for historic and traditionally constructed buildings.
Guidelines for implementation of Government heritage asset management principles
Assistance type: Get policy advice
Subject: Archaeology; Places and objects
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia: Avenues of honour and other commemorative plantings
Assistance type: Get policy advice; Get technical advice
Preserving war heritage and memorabilia.
The preservation of commemorative plantings presents particular issues because trees and gardens are ‘living memorials’. It is not possible to ‘fix’ them in the same way that stone memorials can be restored.