Current enforcement actions

Heritage Victoria’s current enforcement actions are published for serious breaches in accordance with our compliance and enforcement strategy.

VHR Number:H1719
Date of action:20/10/2023
Action:Stop Order issued for undertaking works without a permit.

Image shows the exterior of the railway station from across a busy road.

VHR Number:H0799
Date of action:26/07/2023
Action:Stop Order issued for undertaking works without a permit.

Exterior shot on the bank

VHR Number:H2278
Date of action:27/02/2024
Action:Notice to Show Cause issued for failing to maintain the property.

Exterior image of the wireless centre.

VHR Number:H0683
Date of action:20/02/2024
Action:Notice to Show Cause issued for failing to maintain the property.

Image of building

VHR Number:H0829
Date of action:23/08/2023
Action:Repair Order issued for failing to maintain the property.

VHR Number:H1144
Date of action:18/04/2023 and 06/02/2024

Two Notices to Show Cause issued for failing to maintain the property

Shows the exterior of the church with a car parked out the front.

VHR Number:H1900
Date of action:25/08/2023

Rectification order for works carried out without a permit or exemption under the Act.

Exterior shot of Combe Martin

Page last updated: 01/07/24