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The Statement of Expectations Framework for Regulators was established in 2012 to enable portfolio Ministers to provide clear guidance to their regulators on the government’s strategic priorities. In 2021 the Framework was revised to incorporate Ministerial guidance into regulators’ existing business planning processes. The revised Framework sets out that portfolio Ministers will provide a letter to their regulators outlining the government’s priorities and emerging risks, and that regulators’ business plans will then demonstrate how they propose to meet the Minister’s expectations.

In 2022 the Minister for Planning set out expectations for Heritage Victoria’s performance for 2022–23.

The Minister identified nine areas for improvement for Heritage Victoria:

  1. Acknowledge concurrent Aboriginal heritage values and joint management agreements for places and objects included in the Victorian Heritage Register.
  2. Deliver the Living Heritage Program to protect and re-activate Victoria’s key heritage resources subject to funding.
  3. Review and revise the World Heritage Management Plan for the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens to ensure the Outstanding Universal Values of the site are managed for current and future generations.
  4. Deliver the ‘Incentivising low harm proposals and reducing regulatory burden’ project for improved regulatory performance and streamlined processes for stakeholders.
  5. Implement heritage disaster recovery initiatives to mitigate risks to historic heritage assets in areas prone to bushfires and floods.
  6. Deliver the Maritime Heritage at Risk and Shipwreck Discovery Programs to support communities in monitoring shipwrecks at risk and to encourage and simplify the reporting of shipwreck discoveries in Victoria.
  7. Undertake risk-based enforcement in accordance with Heritage Victoria’s Compliance and Enforcement Strategy to target registered places and objects with little or no record of regulatory compliance.
  8. Support government heritage asset managers to adopt strategic approaches to maintaining and conserving places and objects in accordance with the requirements of the Heritage Act 2017.
  9. Progress digital uplifts to heritage systems to improve data quality, regulatory compliance capabilities and user experience.

Heritage Victoria’s Business Plan 2022-23

Heritage Victoria has developed its Business Plan for 2022-23 which sets out the specific actions it will achieve to deliver on the Minister for Planning’s expectations, as well meeting the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) success statement ‘To succeed we must increase the effective protection of cultural and natural heritage’. The Business Plan also supports the DELWP Organisational pillars of:

  • Self-determination of Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians will be recognised and supported and measures of success
  • High performance and delivery for government
  • Collaborative leadership and a positive culture
  • Personal accountability and One-DELWP mindset in everything we do.

Page last updated: 01/07/24