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What's listed on the Heritage Register?

The Victorian Heritage Register is a list of about 2,400 places and objects that are significant to the history and development of Victoria. Inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register is sometimes called ‘State heritage listing’.

Heritage places

Most State-significant heritage listings are for heritage places, including buildings, trees, parks, gardens, archaeological sites, cemeteries and shipwrecks.

Heritage objects

State significant heritage objects include moveable items like furniture, art, flags, banners, documents, and collections.

Anything included in the Victorian Heritage Register is protected by law

This means:

  • You need approval from Heritage Victoria to make any changes to a heritage place or object
  • You must maintain and conserve your heritage place or object
  • You must notify Heritage Victoria if you intend to sell

Learn more about your obligations as an owner, and how to be a good custodian for heritage.

Want to restore a heritage place or object?

If you want to restore a heritage place or object, you may be eligible for financial help through our grants program.

You can also review our guidance for owners.

When a property is included in the register

If a property is included in the register, it doesn’t:

  • guarantee that a place or object will never be changed
  • prevent a place or object from being used for a different purpose
  • affect ownership
  • give the public special right of access
  • prevent the sale of a place or object

Find out if your place is state heritage listed.

Page last updated: 01/07/24