Is my place heritage listed?

Find out whether a property is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register, the Victorian Heritage Inventory or is affected by a Heritage Overlay in a local planning scheme.

Enter your address, or click on the map to select your property. If your property has multiple addresses, please click the map to identify your property. If you would like to search via H number, please use Vicplan or the Victorian Heritage Database.

{address} is included in the Victorian Heritage Register. This heritage site is significant to the history and development of Victoria and is protected by law. You’ll need approval from Heritage Victoria to make any changes to this site.

{address} is included in the Victorian Heritage Register and the Heritage Overlay. This heritage site is significant to the history and development of Victoria and is protected by law. You’ll need approval from Heritage Victoria to make any changes to this site.

{address} is included in the Victorian Heritage Register and the Heritage Inventory. This heritage site is significant to the history and development of Victoria. The historical archaeology on the site is also protected by law. You’ll need approval from Heritage Victoria to make any changes to this site.

{address} is included in the Victorian Heritage Register, the Heritage Inventory, and the Heritage Overlay. This heritage site is significant to the history and development of Victoria. The historical archaeology on the site is also protected by law. You’ll need approval from Heritage Victoria to make any changes to this site.

{address} is included in the local government heritage overlay, and is protected under the local planning scheme. Heritage Victoria does not make decisions about this site. Please contact your local council.

Council details: {lgaName}

Know your council

{address} is included in the Heritage Inventory. The historical archaeology on the site is protected by law. You’ll need approval from Heritage Victoria to do any earthworks on this site, including for mining and geotechnical testing.

{address} is included in the Heritage Inventory. The historical archaeology on the site is protected by law. You’ll need approval from Heritage Victoria to do any earthworks on this site, including for mining and geotechnical testing.

This place is also included in the local government heritage overlay and is protected under the local planning scheme. Heritage Victoria does not make decisions about this site. Please contact your local council.

{address} does not have statutory heritage protection in Victoria.

All historical archaeological sites in Victoria are protected by law. This includes sites that aren’t listed in the Victorian Heritage Inventory.