On this page:

Heritage places to visit

Recommended walking tours of heritage places are available:

Parks Victoria manages more than 3,000 historic assets.

You can visit places like:

The National Trust of Australia (Victoria) manages many historic places and gardens in Melbourne and regional Victoria which you can visit or hire.

You can also visit our completed grants projects, including:

Shipwrecks you can visit

You can access most shipwrecks in Victoria without a permit.

Some popular options are the:

It is illegal to interfere with, damage or disturb, or take artefacts from any shipwreck site in Victoria.

Find out more about heritage places

Visit the Victorian Heritage Database to find more information about heritage places.

The database is an aggregator of heritage listings. It brings together places and objects which may be:

  • In the Victorian Heritage Register
  • In the Victorian Heritage Inventory
  • Classified by the National Trust
  • Included in the Victorian War Heritage Inventory
  • Covered by a local government Heritage Overlay

Use the database to search for your place and find out why it’s significant.

The following sites may have more historical information:

Page last updated: 01/07/24