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The Victorian Government's Disaster Recovery Heritage Grants support the repair and conservation of historic heritage places impacted by natural disasters. Severe weather and other disaster events such as the 2022 Victorian floods have damaged a number of State significant heritage places across Victoria.

The former Cobb & Co Staging Stables in Ararat, an historic grandstand at the Benalla showgrounds, and a popular tourist landmark, the Rail Bridge at Stony Creek in East Gippsland are among the sixteen State significant heritage places to receive funding through the Disaster Recovery Heritage Grants.

This investment will assist with the recovery and restoration of these important heritage places, and increase their resilience to future disaster events. Funded projects will protect State heritage values to provide benefits for heritage conservation, planning for disaster risk management and support community recovery.


St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Benalla (H0845)


Gregory’s Bridge Hotel, Murchison (H0963)$300,000
Barmah Muster Yards (H2212)$75,000
Grandstand, Benalla (H0976)$142,000


Waller House & Collection, Ivanhoe (H0617)



Former Cobb & Co. Staging Stables, Buangor (H0259)


Belmont, Raglan (H0644)$40,000


Bael Bael Homestead, Kerang (H2196)


Bendigo Pottery (H0674)$300,000
Lake Boga Flying Boat Museum (H2208)$65,500
Billabong Pumping Station, Mildura (H0547)$136,000
Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park (Chewton Wall) (H2047)$40,000
Masters House, Gunbower (H2330)$40,000


Volunteer Defence Corps Tambo Trenches (H2446)


Rail Bridge (Stony Creek), Nowa Nowa (H1436)$230,000
Walhalla Bandstand (H1315)$120,000

Page last updated: 15/01/25