

Grant amount


Grant recipient

Murtoa Stick Shed Committee of Management – Committee of Management

Type of project
  • Timber & joinery repairs
Funding program

Living Heritage Grants Program Competitive Stream Round 3 2018-19

Project duration

November 2018 - August 2019

Project summary: 

A grant of $70,000 enabled fund urgent repairs to the windows and doors of Murtoa Grain Store (known as the Stick Shed).

Murtoa Grain Store was built in 1941 as a war-time emergency grain storage. Similar structures were erected around Southern and Western Australia during World War 2 for the temporary storage of wheat.

Murtoa Grain Store is the only one of its kind still standing. Due to the poor condition of the building, it has only had limited public access. The grant enabled this nationally significant site to be opened to the public, as a witness of an important part of Australian history.

Page last updated: 16/05/22