Notice of obtaining possession – shipwrecks and shipwreck artefacts
Notice of possession of a registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact within 7 days of possession.
Section of the Act: 70(1)
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.600 (240 penalty units)
Notice of possession - registered shipwrecks and registered shipwreck artefacts
Notice of a registered shipwreck or registered shipwreck artefact’s location and description within 7 days of registration.
Section of the Act: 70(2)
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Notice of possession - shipwrecks and shipwreck artefacts
Notice of an historic shipwreck or historic shipwreck artefact’s location and description within 7 days after the item becomes an historic shipwreck or historic shipwreck artefact.
Section of the Act: 70(3)
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Failure to provide information – shipwrecks and shipwreck artefacts
Powers to ascertain location of registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts.
Section of the Act: 71
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Failure to comply with direction to conserve or exhibit – shipwrecks and shipwreck artefacts
Directions powers in relation to custody of registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts.
Section of the Act: 72
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Removal of shipwrecks and shipwreck artefacts from Victoria
Offence to remove registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts from the State.
Section of the Act: 73
Penalty natural person: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $94,843.20 (480 penalty units)
Shipwreck and shipwreck artefact offence – knowingly or recklessly
Offence to knowingly or recklessly take, destroy, damage, remove, disturb or otherwise interfere with or dispose of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Section of the Act: 74(1)
Penalty natural person: $474,216.00 (2400 penalty units) or imprisonment for 5 years or both
Penalty body corporate: $948,432.00 (4800 penalty units)
Shipwreck and shipwreck artefact offence – negligently
Offence to negligently take, destroy, damage, remove, disturb or otherwise interfere with or dispose of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Section of the Act: 74(2)
Penalty natural person: $237,108.00 (1200 penalty units) or imprisonment for 2 years or both
Penalty body corporate: $474,216.00 (2400 penalty units)
Shipwreck and shipwreck artefact offence – knowingly or recklessly purchasing
Offence to knowingly or recklessly buy, offer to buy, agree to buy or offer, or agree to barter or exchange, or possess, any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Section of the Act: 74(3)
Penalty natural person: $474,216.00 (2400 penalty units) or imprisonment for 5 years or both
Penalty body corporate: $948,432.00 (4800 penalty units)
Direction to deliver shipwreck or shipwreck artefact
Directions to deliver a removed registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Section of the Act: 75
Penalty natural person: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $94,843.20 (480 penalty units)
Prohibited equipment near shipwrecks or shipwreck artefacts
Offence to be near registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts or historic shipwreck artefacts with certain equipment.
Section of the Act: 76
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Contravention of a shipwreck permit
Contravention of a permit for exploration or recovery of registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts or historic shipwreck artefacts.
Section of the Act: 77
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Contravention of a permit for use of a shipwreck
Contravention of a permit for the use of registered shipwrecks or registered shipwreck artefacts.
Section of the Act: 78
Penalty natural person: $1,975.90 (10 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $3,951.80 (20 penalty units)
Failure to notify discovery of a shipwreck or shipwreck artefact
Notification of discovery of a shipwreck or shipwreck artefact within 7 days.
Section of the Act: 80(1)
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Misleading statement regarding shipwreck or shipwreck artefact
Misleading statement relating to notification of discovery.
Section of the Act: 80(3)
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Concealing the location of a shipwreck or shipwreck artefact
Carrying out of operations to conceal the location of a shipwreck or shipwreck artefact.
Section of the Act: 80(5)
Penalty natural person: $23,710.80 (120 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: $47,421.60 (240 penalty units)
Failure to comply with a request – underwater cultural heritage
Powers of inspectors - registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts.
Section of the Act: 211
Penalty natural person: $9,879.50 (50 penalty units)
Penalty body corporate: -