Lodge a review
Fee for lodging review of Executive Director’s refusal of nomination for the Heritage Register.
The Heritage Regulations 2017 and Heritage (Underwater Cultural Heritage) Regulations 2017 prescribe the fees to be paid for:
The regulations also empower the Heritage Council of Victoria to waive application fees in some circumstances.
The Heritage Regulations 2017 and Heritage (Underwater Cultural Heritage) Regulations set fees in fee units. A fee unit value is adjusted each year by the Treasurer’s amount and is published in the Government Gazette. In 2024-25 one fee unit is $16.33.
In the tables below, the fee units have been converted to a dollar value on the basis of the value of a fee unit as it is set for the 2023-24 financial year.
You may be exempt from paying fees or you may be able to have all or part of your fees waived.
During the application process, you will be asked if you are eligible for an exemption or want to apply for your fees to be waived. Once you submit the form, your request for an exemption or waiver will be considered. You will be advised whether you have an exemption or waiver before your application is processed.
You may be exempt from fees if you have a concession card and your application relates to a property you own and live in.
All or part of your fees may be waived if your application is for:
Fee for lodging review of Executive Director’s refusal of nomination for the Heritage Register.
Fee for application for heritage certificate.
Subdivision, consolidation or realignment of a boundary of a registered place or the subdivision of a building.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is less than $10,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $10,000 or more but less than $20,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $20,000 or more but less than $100,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $100,000 or more but less than $250,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $250,000 or more but less than $500,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $500,000 or more but less than $1,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $1,000,000 or more but less than $5,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $5,000,000 or more but less than $10,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $10,000,000 or more but less than $30,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $30,000,000 or more but less than $50,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $50,000,000 or more but less than $100,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $100,000,000 or more but less than $200,000,000.
Undertake works or activities to a registered place or registered object, if the estimated cost of the works or activities is $200,000,000 or more.
Demolish or destroy the whole of a registered place.
Demolish or destroy the whole of a registered object.
Amend a permit application to carry out works or activities in relation to registered place or registered object that has not been on public display.
Amend a permit application to carry out works or activities in relation to registered place or registered object that has been on public display.
Amend a permit application to demolish or destroy the whole of a registered place or registered object, that has been on public display.
Amendment of permit to carry out works or activities in relation to registered place or registered object.
Amendment of permit to demolish or destroy registered place or registered object.
For an application for consent to uncover and expose –
in order to assess the condition and potential of the archaeology for the purposes of -
Constructing an extension to one domestic residential dwelling on a lot or allotment.
For an application for consent to excavate –
for the purposes of -
Constructing an extension to one domestic residential dwelling on a lot or allotment.
For an application for consent to uncover and expose –
in order to assess the condition and potential of the archaeology for all other purposes.
For an application for consent to excavate –
for all other purposes.
For an application for consent to damage and disturb and archaeological site or part of an archaeological site for –
The construction of an extension to one domestic residential dwelling on a lot or allotment.
For an application for consent to damage and disturb an archaeological site for all other purposes, where damage is less than 50 per cent.
For an application for consent to damage and disturb an archaeological site for all other purposes, where damage is 50 per cent or more.
For an application for consent to possess, or dispose of archaeological artefacts, to undertake geotechnical or soil testing, trenching or boring in order to install, maintain or upgrade service utilities, a test archaeological excavation as part of a cultural heritage management plan or for all other purposes for which a consent is required in relation to an archaeological artefact, archaeological site or a site recorded in the Heritage Inventory.
Amend a consent to undertake works or activities in relation to archaeological sites or archaeological artefacts.
Application to the Executive Director for a determination under section 36C that a place or object not be included in the Heritage Register.
An application to enter a protected zone to conduct any form of recreational diving or snorkelling.
An application to conduct any form of recreational diving or snorkelling that requires the use of moorings within that protected zone.
An application to possess, dispose of, or remove from Victoria any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or shipwreck historic artefact artefact.
An application to possess or use equipment, instruments or explosives of a kind referred to in s 76 of the Heritage Act in a protected zone.
An application to take, destroy, damage, remove, disturb or otherwise interfere with less than 50 per cent of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
An application to take, destroy, damage, remove, disturb or otherwise interfere with 50 per cent or more of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
An application for the use of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
An application to undertake any activity on or below land within a protected zone, or any other underwater activity in a protected zone.
An application to enter a protected zone for any other purpose that requires the use of moorings within that protected zone.
An application to enter a protected zone for any other purpose.
An application to enter a protected zone with or without the use of moorings in that protected zone –
With a maximum of 10 divers or snorkellers plus any non-diving boat crew members at any one time.
An application to enter a protected zone with or without the use of moorings in that protected zone –
With a maximum of 12 divers or snorkellers plus any non-diving boat crew members at any one time.
If a person or organization fails to comply with the Heritage Act 2017, or conditions of an approval, they may be liable for penalties.
There are different types of penalties that can be applied depending on the breach that has occurred. For example:
As well as monetary penalties, some Heritage Act offences are indictable offences. These are serious offences where the accused may be sentenced to a period of imprisonment.
The Heritage Regulations 2017 and Heritage (Underwater Cultural Heritage) Regulations set penalties in penalty units. A penalty unit value is adjusted each year by the Treasurer’s amount and is published in the Government Gazette. In 2022-23 one penalty unit is $197.59.
In the tables below, the penalty units have been converted to a dollar value on the basis of the value of a penalty unit as it is set for the 2022-23 financial year.
Owners of places and objects must comply with obligations of s 42 of Heritage Act 2017.
Notice of intention to sell a registered place or registered object.
Change of owner of registered place or registered object.
Change of details of owner of registered place or registered object.
Display of an interim protection order in relation to a place in a conspicuous place.
Display of an interim protection order in relation to an object in a conspicuous place.
Erection of notices (archaeological places and associated archaeological places).
Power of Executive Director to direct excavation or examination of place (archaeological places and associated archaeological places).
Offence to knowingly or negligently deface, damage or otherwise interfere with an historical archaeological site.
Offence to knowingly uncover or expose, or knowingly disturb or excavate any land for the purposes of discovering an historical archaeological site.
Non-compliance with a consent.
Notification of discovery of an archaeological site within 30 days.
Notification of discovery of an archaeological site in the course of construction or excavation as soon as practicable.
Offence to remove, damage or interfere with an action to preserve an archaeological artefact.
Offence to buy, sell or possess archaeological artefacts without consent.
Compliance with a request regarding archaeological artefacts.
Notice of possession of a registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact within 7 days of possession.
Notice of a registered shipwreck or registered shipwreck artefact’s location and description within 7 days of registration.
Notice of an historic shipwreck or historic shipwreck artefact’s location and description within 7 days after the item becomes an historic shipwreck or historic shipwreck artefact.
Powers to ascertain location of registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts.
Directions powers in relation to custody of registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts.
Offence to remove registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts from the State.
Offence to knowingly or recklessly take, destroy, damage, remove, disturb or otherwise interfere with or dispose of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Offence to negligently take, destroy, damage, remove, disturb or otherwise interfere with or dispose of any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Offence to knowingly or recklessly buy, offer to buy, agree to buy or offer, or agree to barter or exchange, or possess, any registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Directions to deliver a removed registered shipwreck, historic shipwreck, registered shipwreck artefact or historic shipwreck artefact.
Offence to be near registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts or historic shipwreck artefacts with certain equipment.
Contravention of a permit for exploration or recovery of registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts or historic shipwreck artefacts.
Contravention of a permit for the use of registered shipwrecks or registered shipwreck artefacts.
Notification of discovery of a shipwreck or shipwreck artefact within 7 days.
Misleading statement relating to notification of discovery.
Carrying out of operations to conceal the location of a shipwreck or shipwreck artefact.
Powers of inspectors - registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts and historic shipwreck artefacts.
Offence to knowingly or recklessly remove, relocate or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter, or excavate, all or any part of a registered place.
Offence to knowingly or recklessly remove, relocate or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter, a registered object.
Offence to knowingly or recklessly disturb the position of an object which is a fixed registered object.
Offence to negligently remove, relocate or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter, or excavate, all or any part of a registered place.
Offence to negligently remove, relocate or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter, a registered object.
Offence to negligently disturb the position of an object which is a fixed registered object.
Offence to remove, relocate or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter, or excavate, all or any part of a registered place.
Offence to remove, relocate or demolish, damage or despoil, develop or alter, a registered object.
Offence to disturb the position of an object which is a fixed registered object.
Non-compliance with a permit.
Failure to comply with repair order.
Compliance with rectification orders.
Compliance with stop orders.
Offence to fail to comply with Approved World Heritage Management Plan.
Identity cards.
Inspector may demand name and address.
Offence to hinder inspector or authorised person.
Offence to impersonate inspector.
Provision of false or misleading information relating to archaeological artefacts.
Relevant survey reports.
Infringement penalty for an offence against section 89(1) of the Act.
Infringement penalty for an offence against section 89(3) of the Act.
Infringement penalty for an offence against section 104 of the Act.
Infringement penalty for an offence against regulation 31.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - entry.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - mooring.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - trawling, fishing or diving.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - use of equipment constructed for the purpose of diving, salvage or recovery operations.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - use of equipment adapted for the purpose of diving, salvage or recovery operations.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - use of equipment, instruments or tools constructed for the purposes of cultivating, mining, quarrying, dredging or excavating land.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - use of equipment, instruments or tools adapted for the purposes of cultivating, mining, quarrying, dredging or excavating land.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - entry of ship or other vehicle carrying any equipment, explosives, instruments or tools.
Activities prohibited within protected zones - cultivating, mining, quarrying, dredging or excavating.
Activities prohibited near registered shipwrecks, historic shipwrecks, registered shipwreck artefacts or historic shipwreck artefacts or in any protected zone.
Infringement penalty against regulation 8 or 9.
Infringement penalty against regulation 10.
Infringement penalty against regulation 11 or 13.
Page last updated: 25/03/25